
4 apps that will help you control your time

4 apps that will help you control your time


Your time Is your life . that you shouldn’t waste it in not beneficial things . I will help you with that problem by giving you 4 free apps that will help you to organize and save and control your time on your mobile.

Stay Focused

Stay Focused is a free application that is designed to track your time screen. It also provide you with locking your phone methods when you exceed the time you set on your phone, your apps or locking your phone at a specific time. also blocks keywords or websites that you set at any time.


YourHour is a famous application that you can use to control your time and get rid of phone addiction. it has a lot of methods for that. such as tracking screen time with a piece of full detailed information about your use. also, it gives you daily reports about your use. it comes with a forum where you can share your story and view other people’s stories. you make challenges to limit your use of your phone or your apps.
for more details, you can read this topic on our site . From HERE

Stay Away

Stay away is a small application that makes you stay away from your mobile for specific amount of time you can set as you like. also, you can schedule these times . this application special with its strong locking way. In this way, it’s hard to manipulate it ; because it’s locking the phone from your locking screen not only displaying on other apps like other apps.
I wrote about staying away in details from this topic on our site. From HERE

Digital Detox

Digital Detox is a free application that designed for gitting rid of phone addiction. It will make you track your time easily with charts and user friendly interface . It also provides detox time (to be phoneless for a specific period of time), categorized : easy (from 20 min to 7h45), medium(from 2h15min to 23h30min), hard (from 8h30min to 1 day). grand master(from 2 days to 30 days). it also encourages you during your detox with achievements and leaderboard pages. you can also schedule detox.


these are 4 apps that will help you to control your time using your phone. for more apps follow us in my site which is (loq989.lovestoblog.com). I am pleased with your comments and opinions .